






Nature Medicine 2017117

Effects of sleep deprivation on human brain

Nature Medicine






Yuval Nirたちは、神経外科手術に備えてモニタリング中の被験者に、睡眠不足の前と後で一連の顔認識テストを行ってもらい、その間の内側側頭葉の単一ニューロンの活動記録を得た。すると、睡眠不足のときには、すばやくテストを終えたときに比べて被験者の神経の活動が遅くなり、減少し、認知力減退の特徴であるゆっくりした応答につながるという観察結果が得られた。




Selective neuronal lapses precede human cognitive lapses following sleep deprivation

Yuval Nir

, Thomas Andrillon, Amit Marmelshtein, Nanthia Suthana, Chiara Cirelli

, Giulio Tononi & Itzhak Fried


Nature Medicine

Sleep deprivation is a major source of morbidity with widespread health effects, including increased risk of hypertension, diabetes, obesity, heart attack, and stroke1. Moreover, sleep deprivation brings about vehicle accidents and medical errors2,3,4 and is therefore an urgent topic of investigation. During sleep deprivation, homeostatic and circadian processes interact to build up sleep pressure5, which results in slow behavioral performance (cognitive lapses) typically attributed to attentional thalamic and frontoparietal circuits6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14, but the underlying mechanisms remain unclear3,15. Recently, through study of electroencephalograms (EEGs) in humans16,17 and local field potentials (LFPs) in nonhuman primates18 and rodents19 it was found that, during sleep deprivation, regional 'sleep-like' slow and theta (slow/theta) waves co-occur with impaired behavioral performance during wakefulness. Here we used intracranial electrodes to record single-neuron activities and LFPs in human neurosurgical patients performing a face/nonface categorization psychomotor vigilance task (PVT)20,21,22,23,24 over multiple experimental sessions, including a session after full-night sleep deprivation. We find that, just before cognitive lapses, the selective spiking responses of individual neurons in the medial temporal lobe (MTL) are attenuated, delayed, and lengthened. These 'neuronal lapses' are evident on a trial-by-trial basis when comparing the slowest behavioral PVT reaction times to the fastest. Furthermore, during cognitive lapses, LFPs exhibit a relative local increase in slow/theta activity that is correlated with degraded single-neuron responses and with baseline theta activity. Our results show that cognitive lapses involve local state-dependent changes in neuronal activity already present in the MTL.