
ジェイムス・フォーサイス医師(century wellness clinic)による発表であるが













現在当院でもフォーサイス医師のところで行っているプロトコールをほぼ同じ手順、方法で行うことができるようになってきた。 今まではここまでやっていなかったなあと、思っている。


なお、フォーサイスのクリニックはcentury wellness clinicである。






高度な癌患者のためのポリMVA | A新しいもの癌進展



フォーサイス博士は、2004年1月にさまざまなStage IV Cancersの上で調査をリノに拠点を置くPoly-MVA結果を実行していた、ネバダ、そして、奨励の結果を参照。


Poly-MVAからの他の有益性は、生命と数の相当な減少の有意に向上した品質と化学療法と放射線治療からの副作用の重症度である。」、あなたがPoly-MVA Poly-MVAについて知っている必要があるWhatは約10年の間方々を見ている、そして、何百人もの医師はさまざまな国でそれを処方している。























おそらく、彼らはよりよくよりよく化学療法を許容することが可能であると感じる。」、フォーサイス↑博士のPoly-MVA Clinical Results The Clinical Oncology「結果-Based」調査の頂点にあるバックは、26ヵ月の間が治っていて、多発癌起源で212人のStage IV癌患者の上で実行された。
































私は気分が前より良くて、より多くのエネルギーがある。」、Poly-MVA治療に非常に反応した一番上の↑Poly-MVA Outcome Based Investigation Conclusions The最上部3癌に対するバックは、前立腺、胸部と非肺小細胞癌であった。



ポリMVAは、付随する化学療法をもつ、または、のないStage IV癌患者における一時的に軽くする援助のための安全かつ有効な自然食補助食品であるように見える。



ジェームズ・フォーサイス博士の「ポリMVA Outcome Based」調査は、全ての種類の癌を治療することを含んだ。

フォーサイス博士は、ネバダ(リノ)大学のAlternative Medicineの准教授としている。

この調査は、ネバダ州Homeopathic Medicine委員会に提示された。













866-522-6237 Toはフォーサイス博士が徹底的に肺癌について述べるのを聞く、彼のラジオ番組(「ジェームズ・フォーサイス博士と一緒のWellnessに対するあなたのPassport)を聞きなさい。」Duringこんなに特定の発症(博士)。フォーサイスは新しい癌補助食品について述べる、Poly-MVAは肺癌患者と陽性結果をとても示した。



ウォークは、以前サンフランシスコのON24 Financial Newsの支えと財政的リポーターであった。


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Poly-MVA | A New Cancer Breakthrough for Advanced Cancer Patients

Could something as simple as a dietary food supplement really help in treating advanced cancer patients? Medical oncologist and homeopathic physician, Dr. James W. Forsythe is hopeful. Dr. Forsythe has been conducting a Poly-MVA outcome based investigation on various Stage IV Cancers since January of 2004 in Reno, Nevada and has seen encouraging results. "We have seen patients go into full remission with aggressive, stage IV cancers and we see continued positive responses in others with previously chemo-resistant cancer. Other benefits from Poly-MVA are a significantly improved quality of life and a substantial reduction in the number and severity of side effects from chemo and radiation therapies."

What you need to know about Poly-MVA

Poly-MVA has been around for about ten years and hundreds of doctors are prescribing it in various countries. It is a uniquely formulated combination of vitamins, minerals and amino acids. In 1991, the patented supplement was invented by Dr. Merill Garnett. Cancer cells are anaerobic, or cells that require very little oxygen in order to function and reproduce. Dr. Garnett's cancer cell approach relied on the theory that cancer cells thrive on simple sugars and like low oxygen environments for their metabolism. Based on that theory, he developed a product that would interfere with the metabolism process in the cancer cell. Garnett combined palladium with lipoic acid, B-12 and thiamine which created an extremely useful and safe cellular nutrient. These combined ingredients promote energy production and offer potent antioxidant protection at the cellular level. When administered to advanced cancer patients, Poly-MVA appears to have the unique capacity to negatively affect anaerobic cells while supporting healthy tissues. Simply put, this nutrient attacks the "engine room" of a cancer cell and short circuits the cell's energy production thereby destroying it. Why palladium? Palladium has unique properties that help it combine well with alpha lipoic acid which is an extremely strong antioxidant. The idea of combining a rare metal with an antioxidant came to Garnett because he thought it would interfere with the electron transfer in the cancer cell. It would affect the part of the cancer cell metabolism which is the anaerobic side of cancer metabolism. This complex is a key part of the Poly-MVA food supplement. Because Poly-MVA is nontoxic and natural, side effects are minimal. Dr. Forsythe is happy to report the few side effects. "Taking the supplement intravenously, I have seen a small percentage of patients who have reported a chill and/or a low grade fever. This is easily remedied by slowing down the drip or by giving an antihistamine to mitigate any possible allergic reaction. As far as nausea, vomiting or diarrhea, these are uncommon side effects, diarrhea probably being more common than the other two. There is no hair loss, no skin rashes, no cytopenias or lowering of white count and red count cells. And we've seen no damage to any major organ systems such as the heart, liver, pancreas, or sexual organs." In fact, according to his study, the Poly-MVA not only helps the healthy cells but it has shown to be synergistic with chemotherapy, enhancing the effects of it. "Because it is an energizer, it does make patients feel better. Perhaps they feel able to better tolerate the chemo better."

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Dr. Forsythe's Poly-MVA Clinical Results

The Clinical Oncology "Outcome-Based" investigation was over a 26 month period and was conducted on 212 Stage IV cancer patients with multiple cancer origins . The patients are classified into two groups. The first group is administered both the Poly-MVA and chemotherapy. The other group, who refused chemotherapy were on the supplement only. In both groups, the Poly-MVA dosage is administered intravenously for a fifteen day period. The patient is then switched to an oral dosage which could take it up to six to eight months. After six months a maintenance dosage is administered depending upon the remission of the tumor. The study group that used both chemotherapy and Poly-MVA were treated with low doses of chemotherapy. "My approach to treating cancer uses a lower dose fractionated chemo or "dose dense" chemo where you're getting it more often but in lower doses. So you're getting either the same amount or more chemo but its spread out so it's less toxic to the patient. My patients have less toxicity than patients who receive the 'sledgehammer approach' which is to really hit the patient hard with chemo every three-four weeks. The sledgehammer chemo patients often have severe toxicities from the chemo." The Poly-MVA outcome-based clinical results: the overall response rate from both groups is 56 percent which includes the following responses; stable disease, partial and complete responses. The overall response rate in patients who received both chemotherapy and Poly-MVA supplement is 61 percent. The overall response rate in patients who received the Poly-MVA supplement only is 39 percent. Patients receiving an initial IV loading dose of Poly-MVA had a 12 percent improved response rate compared to an inital oral loading dose. (Partial reduction means a 50 percent reduction in the size of the tumor mass and complete reduction means a disappearance of the disease resulting from a physical examination, scanning and tumor markers.) After participating in this investigation, both groups expressed having more physical energy. Dr. Forsythe attributes their energy and optimism to Poly-MVA being a natural substance. "Because they are on a protocol with a natural substance they seem to be doing better mentally and physically. Their approach to chemo, their optimism, their ability to fight the cancer is improved. I think it does a lot for their mental attitude. It does empower the patient in that they feel as if they are doing more than the average patient is doing in their fight against cancer." Dr. Forsythe's patients who have participated in the Poly-MVA clinical investigation are also optimistic. Marilyn Haro-Smith who is suffering from inoperable lung cancer and was told she had only three to six months to live, has seen encouraging results from the Poly-MVA."During the past five years I have been treated by Dr. Forsythe with both low-dose fractionated chemotherapy and alternative therapies. One year ago my cancer markers were going up and Dr. Forsythe placed me on his clinical out-come based protocol with Poly-MVA. Since then, this natural supplement has stabilized my disease and normalized my markers." Michael Oliver who has been battling prostate cancer tells his story. "My PSA began to rise one year ago and Dr. Forsythe placed me on his clinical investigation with oral Poly-MVA and since this time my PSA has been near normal and I have not required any chemotherapy. I have had no side-affects from the Poly-MVA. I feel better and have more energy."

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Poly-MVA Outcome Based Investigation Conclusions

The top three cancers that were highly responsive to the Poly-MVA treatment were prostate, breast and non-small cell lung cancer. Surprisingly non-small cell lunge cancer is, in general, not a high responder to conventional treatments. Colorectal cancers were the least responsive. Poly-MVA appears to be a safe and effective natural food supplement for palliative assistance in Stage IV cancer patients either with or without concomitant chemotherapy. The safety profile is excellent and there was no treatment-related deaths or any significant adverse reactions or negative interactions with chemotherapy or hormonal treatments. An IV loading dose of Poly-MVA confers a 12 percent improved overall response rate in this investigation. Dr. James Forsythe's "Poly-MVA Outcome Based" investigation included treating all types of cancer. Dr Forsythe is as an Associate Professor of Alternative Medicine at the University of Nevada, Reno. This investigation has been presented to the Nevada State Board of Homeopathic Medicine. This investigation has not received FDA approval; however, an IRB is pending in the State of Nevada.

Find Poly-MVA Near You

Here are some of the clinics that offer Poly-MVA therapy and references... Century Wellness Clinic in Reno, Nevada; www.drforsythe.com; 775-827-0707 AMARC Enterprises, Inc. in Spring Valley, CA; www.polymva.com; 619-713-0430 Foundation for Advancement of Cancer Research in Chula Vista, CA; www.facr.net; 866-522-6237

To hear Dr. Forsythe discuss lung cancer in depth, listen to his radio show, “Your Passport to Wellness with Dr. James Forsythe.” During this particular episode, Dr. Forsythe discusses a new cancer supplement, Poly-MVA, that has shown positive results with lung cancer patients.

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*Lisa Marie Wark is currently a free lance writer and is a business development consultant with a concentration in medical spas and alternative clinics. Currently she is President of MedSpas, a business development firm that provides physicians the necessary business tools to help them build or expand their practices into medical spa facilities. Wark was formerly an anchor and financial reporter for ON24 Financial News in San Francisco. In 2001, she was promoted to the main female anchor of three financial news broadcasts, covering a broad range of financial sectors and industries.

- See more at: http://www.centurywellness.com/news/article-archive/125-poly-mva-a-new-cancer-breakthrough-for-advanced-cancer-patients.html#sthash.3i0pvrcF.dpuf