






Nature ダイジェスト Vol. 14 No. 10 | doi : 10.1038/ndigest.2017.171031


原文:Nature (2017-07-20) | doi: 10.1038/nature23097 | Nervous crosstalk to make antibodies  Hai Qi




動物が感染から身を守るためには、免疫系のB細胞による抗体の産生が不可欠である。この過程には、T細胞と呼ばれる免疫細胞とB細胞との間の密接な情報伝達と協力が関与している。Ilenia Papaらはこのステップを調べ、神経細胞におけるシグナル伝達で働くある分子が、抗体生成の基礎となる免疫細胞間の相互作用でも役割を果たしていることを発見した。この研究成果はNature 2017720日号318ページで報告された1




TFH-derived dopamine accelerates productive synapses in germinal centres

Ilenia Papa,       

David Saliba,   

Maurilio Ponzoni,           

Sonia Bustamante,        

Pablo F. Canete,             

Paula Gonzalez-Figueroa,           

Hayley A. McNamara,   

Salvatore Valvo,             

Michele Grimbaldeston, 

Rebecca A. Sweet,          

Harpreet Vohra,             

Ian A. Cockburn,            

Michael Meyer-Hermann,           

Michael L. Dustin,         

Claudio Doglioni            

& Carola G. Vinuesa      



Corresponding author

Nature 547, 318–323 (20 July 2017) doi:10.1038/nature23013 Received 05 September 2016 Accepted 06 June 2017 Published online 12 July 2017



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Protective high-affinity antibody responses depend on competitive selection of B cells carrying somatically mutated B-cell receptors by follicular helper T (TFH) cells in germinal centres. The rapid T–B-cell interactions that occur during this process are reminiscent of neural synaptic transmission pathways. Here we show that a proportion of human TFH cells contain dense-core granules marked by chromogranin B, which are normally found in neuronal presynaptic terminals storing catecholamines such as dopamine. TFH cells produce high amounts of dopamine and release it upon cognate interaction with B cells. Dopamine causes rapid translocation of intracellular ICOSL (inducible T-cell co-stimulator ligand, also known as ICOSLG) to the B-cell surface, which enhances accumulation of CD40L and chromogranin B granules at the human TFH cell synapse and increases the synapse area. Mathematical modelling suggests that faster dopamine-induced T–B-cell interactions increase total germinal centre output and accelerate it by days. Delivery of neurotransmitters across the T–B-cell synapse may be advantageous in the face of infection.